Moissanite Jewellery everything you need to know

Did you ever think that you would live to see a time where diamonds were not the only stones available for engagement rings? Trends come and go, but every once in a while, something great comes along that makes you sit up and take notice. Moissanite is one of these, and its increased use in engagement rings is glaring proof of this.

Anything a diamond can do, a moissanite can do – and sometimes, better! Looking for a stone with competitive hardness and durability? Moissanite. Something classy that look good in any setting, without breaking the bank or being a cheap knockoff? Moissanite. An eye-catching, solid investment in jewellery. Yup – moissanite. Need even more reasons to make this your stone of choice? Here they are!

It’s a renewable resource

In its pure, unprocessed form, Moissanite is known as Silicon Carbide, which was first discovered by a French scientist in the late 1800s. The compound also takes its name, Moissanite, from this Henri Moissan. Although the compound does occur naturally around the world, it is quite rare. Luckily, it is easily and cost-effectively grown in laboratories, after which it is processed into moissanite as we know it, or sales and distribution.

It gives diamonds a run for their money

Compared side by side, you might think your eyes are deceiving you when a moissanite seems tobe more sparkly than a diamond, but this is the truth – thanks to the double refractive properties of moissanite, the light that enters the stone is doubled upon exit, making it appear far shinier and more brilliant than a diamond.

What to look for when shopping for moissanite

Jewellers across the globe are falling in love with moissanite, and it’s easy to see why. The toughness (or hardness) of a moissanite engagement ring is comparable to that of a diamond. A mere 0.5 points behind a diamond on the Mohs scale of hardness (9.5 vs the 10 of a diamond), it is almost exactly the same as diamond to work with. Softer jewels, such a rubies or emeralds, run a far greater risk of being scratched or damaged during handling or processing by a jeweller. This toughness also makes it a hard-wearing a durable piece of jewellery that could easily become an heirloom.

Colour Options across the spectrum

As is the case with diamonds, moissanite naturally occurs in a range of hues or tints, from yellow and grey, to white. The closer to yellow the tint, the less value the stone has. If you are deeply concerned with technical aspects of jewellery, this is worth bearing in mind. If not, choosing a stone on the lower end of the colour spectrum can still give you a great-looking stone that costs a lot less than the ones at the top of the range.

Moissanite allows you to shop for a serious piece of jewellery without blowing your budget. When it comes to spending wisely, you really have no reasons not to get one!

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